I just realized something today while lamenting to my buddy Mike my failure to blog. I am the Derrick Coleman of blogging. In fact, I thought I'd seek out a scouting report from a rival blogger as to how I'm viewed in the blogosphere:
The Philly Sports Phan is pretty talented, but there are several red flags that come up when projecting his skills into the future. One, he rarely shows up to play anymore. Two, he tends to show up to camp out of shape every year. Three, he totally lacks discipline which is evidenced by his ever increasing waste line and ever decreasing number of posts. All that being said, he has shown that he can be a highly productive blogger if motivated. He reminds me a lot of the Derrick Colemans and Shawn Andrews of the world.
It's pretty sad, but I've really lived up to this scouting report. On the bright side, Derrick Coleman and Shawn Andrews were rewarded for being dogs. Maybe I can work my procrastination to my advantage! I need an agent!