For all those who were stuck under a rock this evening and somehow missed it, the Phils were pounded this evening 10-2 by the Cards. However, more importantly, tonight's loss marked the franchise's all time 10,000th loss. I do have to give this group of Phils some credit for fighting off this monumental loss for 4 games. They could have rolled over like dogs. That would have been the true Phillie way. Additionally, I was actually happy the milestone loss occurred on ESPN. Joe Morgan, John Miller, and John Kruk all commented on the topic and gave the national audience some decent perspective on this accomplishment and the Phillie phan base. Had this broadcast been on Comcast, I think Phils' produced telecast would have mostly blown off the topic.
Plus, I loved how the phans reacted by cheering the team at the end of the game. We showed the entire country how great a phan base we are. The phans were basically announcing to the entire country, "yes, our freakin' team has 10,000 all time losses, yet we're still here selling out the stadium and supporting our team!" They weren't cheering the Phils for losing. We were cheering ourselves for sticking with this team through thick and thin.
Anyhow, everyone else is putting their 2 cents on the Phils' 10,000th loss, so there is no better time than the present to weigh in as well. Surprisingly, think it is not that a big a deal. It is more a reflection of how bad this franchise was for so long from its inception through the 70's. While, I can give this franchise a pass for the 10,ooo, it does not mean I'm not incredibly frustrated by this team. I know I've discussed it ad nauseum, but I completely detest this ownership group and how they run this franchise.
I think just every Phils' phan is annoyed by their unwillingness to do anything that would move the team over the top. It pisses me off how they are afraid to bring anyone into the organization that won't play Mr Nice Guy and tell them what they want to hear. They don't bring in managers or GM who will tell them the truth. They just don't want to hear anything that would rock their safe little world where everything is just fine in their eyes. (By the way, this is exactly why we've had to put up with Uncle Cholly, as Monty and boys were afraid to hire Jim Leyland after he told them that Pat Burrell sucked, Lieby was toast, and two new starters were needed.)
Our owners are completely satisfied being average as long as that means the fans pack the park. As Al Morganti said this week, the Phils are owners are not greedy enough. I agree wholeheartedly with that classification. In fact, if I had to think of one word to describe the organization, it would be complacent. This current team is a perfect description of this group's ideal situation. They have enough big names (Howard, Utley, Rollins and Hamels) to bring in the phans and keep them in contention for the wild card most of the year. However, in the back of their minds, they know they will never spend additional dollars to surround these players to make the team truly a contender.
Even more annoying is that Monty and Company have never found an excuse that they couldn't wrap their hands around. Every winter it seems like we have to hear, "you know we would have made the playoffs last year if (insert name here) had not gotten hurt." Anyone else tired of that excuse?
Therefore, my frustration with the Phils is not w/ the fact that they are biggest losers in baseball history. Let's get something straight before I go any further. I have always loved the Phillies. Some of my best memories as a child is going to Sunday giveaway games with my dad and brother. I have followed this team through the mid to late 80's and mid to late 90's when they were absolutely brutal. Yet, I kept coming back for more. Christ, I even named my cat after my all time favorite Phillie, so I feel I'm fully qualified to rip the franchise.
The frustration has more to do with their "new" identity. That of a team which is "slightly above average, but woefully inconsequential. If the Phils were a basketball/NFL/hockey team, they'd be the Nuggets, Seahawks, or San Jose Sharks, a team that makes the playoffs every year as a 6, 7, or 8 seed and loses in the first round.
I just want to see the Phils change their identity. We have two successful teams in this town. The Eagles and the Flyers, but both go about it differently. The Eagles have utmost belief in their system of talent evaluation and the ability of their coaches to develop these prospects into contributing members of the team. The phans don't always agree with it, but the front office could care less as they have been proven right more times than not. They don't run out and sign
the big free agent because they believe that they have a younger, cheaper alternative that can get the job done. Banner and Lurie's system may not win Super Bowls, but it has kept them a playoff team for most of the Jeffrey Lurie era. What else can you ask for?
On the other hand, the Flyers take the damn the torpedoes approach and goes balls to the wall to make their team a winner. You need to look no further than their team make-over completed in the last couple months to see their or-GAN-IZE-a-SHUN-al philosophy in action. They do not accept losing and will make the necessary moves to improve their team. Their moves don't always work out, but you can't ask for anything more as a phan.
Now, our Phils really don't have a clear organizational approach. You can't say they rely totally on young players, or break the bank to bring in any player that can put them over the top. Mostly, the Phils' brass leaves you with a feeling that somehow they could have done more to help the team win.
Ok, if anyone is still with me, to commemorate the Loss 10K, I figured I'd have a little fun and give my all time worst Phils' lineup. Now, this lineup is not all based upon lack of talent. Some selections are actually huge disappointments due to their incoming hype. Without any further adieu, here is the lineup:
C - Lance Parrish
1B - Travis Lee
2B - Tomas Perez
SS - Juan Bell/Steve Jeltz
3B - David Bell
LF - Pat Burrell ( I would put Gregg Jeffries here, but we'd kill for a guy with Jeffries #'s at this point)
CF - Ricky Otero
RF - Danny Tartabull
Starting pitchers: Andy Ashby, Freddy Garcia, Kyle Abbott, Paul Abbott, Floyd Youmans
Relievers: Mike Jackson, Mike Williams, Arthur Rhodes, Tim Worrell, Robrto Hernandez