Monday, August 27, 2007

Too Good Too Not Be Shared

The funny thing about this video is that my buddy Vinny called me 10 seconds after it happened and played it for me off his DVR. He knew right away that this was an instant classic.

Although, something tells me that this chick isn't going to need to use her brains to succeed in life.


Anonymous said...

This is what happens such as when cousins procreate.

Such as i'm a dope.

st. joe's nick said...

I've watched this about 1,000 times already and I'm uncomfortable every single time.

Whenever somebody begins an answer to anything with, "I personally believe..." and repeats the question in the answer, you know they are bullshitting.

It reminds me of my college days trying to answer an essay in a blue book.

sbotts said...
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sbotts said...

I feel Bad for her that is a really tough question for a such a beautiful Girl with a Great body.

Imagine meeting this girl in a Bar... the stuff you could get away with telling her

Anonymous said...

Watch the guy with the mic at the end of the clip. He is doing everything he can to keep from crakcing up. I get embarrassed for this girl and cringe everytime I see the clip.