Yes folks, my long winter's nap is just about over and I am finally about to get back to updating my blog. Hopefully, I can get the word out to my former readers and see if they're ready to join me to discuss the wonderful world of Philly sports and anything else that piques my interest.
I'm just about settled in to my new place. I have a new desk top and my office is just about complete. At this point, there is really no reason for me to not start writing again unless I have to get a part time job to afford this joint. Plus, if I start writing again, it will help me recover the multitude of brain cells I've lost wasting time on that ridiculous Face Book web site that we're all spending so much time on lately.
I also have to thank D Mac for spurring my come back with his ballsy "get me more weapons or trade me" stance. If this moron did the same thing when T.O. said he wanted more money after the '04 Super Bowl, I'm sure we would have celebrated at least one Super Bowl championship, but instead he waits until now to play the "I won't be pushed around" role. Once you couple these comments with how he threw the defense under the bus after the NFC Title game loss, you have to think Donovan will be looking long and hard for friends in the locker room next year.

By the way, as I write this, I realize that if I had it to do all over again, I would love to have Todd McShay's job on ESPN. I really blame Rutgers. If I could have just majored in "NFL Draft Analysis and Reporting", I would have never wasted so much time getting my JD and MBA. I've just watched this nit wit (with great hair, by the way) drone on for five minutes about draft prospects and not offer anything I didn't hear Mike Mayock or Peter King say in the last week. I'm convinced I could have replaced this guy as Mel Kiper's apprentice.
Welcome back papa bear. Nice first post.
It's about time!!!!
were some lame, we're all hear still.
Christ, I know who wrote that last comment. I'm glad to see that my Donny to English dictionary still works.
Finally, great to see you back in the saddle
scrue you thamt wasnt m e
i know this comment is a little dated, but i thought you did major in "NFL Draft Analysis and Reporting", or some ham and egger equivalent?? hahaha
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