Want to Get Away? I heard they are running flights to Cabo.
Maybe you can sip on a pina colada with your hasbeen girlfriend and wonder why you can't win in the playoffs.
There were so many things to take joy out of from this game (Romo's struggles, Wade Phillips looking over matched by Tom Freakin' Coughlin of all people, Patrick Crayton dropping balls after running his mouth all week, and the ball busting that me and my buddy The Captain are about to lay out on our friends, Tommy and Vinny - who I think is physically ill over this game), but one of my favorites is that no #1 ranked NFC team had lost this early since the NFL/AFL merger. How great is that? Also, the Cowboys have now gone 12 years without a playoff victory! How unbelievable is that? These things couldn't happen to a better franchise.
Plus, if you're Jerry Jones, don't you have to fire Wade Phillips right now? He is a totally outclassed when you get to the playoffs. Sure, he'll get you to the playoffs with a talented team like this one, but he was definitely outcoached today.
Yes, I do realize that it really hater-ish to take this much joy out of another team's misery, but what else is there to get excited about around here?
Too funny! Don't forget, babe, there is half price margaritas duing happy hour. Maybe he can drown himself in some cocktails while relaxing in Cabo.
It reminds me of a Sinatra song, "it's a very good year"
The only better ending would have been a shot of Jessica on the phone w/ Brady begging for a threesome.
They're cooked, TO will not return, the coach was clueless. Jules is gone, Crayton too. the O=Line is a year older.
who's the thick girl on the left side of the picture? Is that the slit that Jason Whitten is pulling? Learn how to work kid, no wonder you lost to the Giants
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