Today, the Phils have finally done what the Eagles have been refusing to do for years. Address a perennial position of weakness. A real, honest to goodness, every day 3rd basemen has been added to the Phils' lineup. Frankly, I'm flabbergasted. I did not expect them to make a move. Now only if the Birds would take a cue from the Phils and add a play making WR this offseason....
To be more exact, the Phils added former San Francisco Giant, Pedro Feliz. Last season, Feliz hit .253 with 20 home runs and 72 RBIs. However, two years ago he had 98 RBI's and he will undoubtedly will see a 10 HR boost moving to Citizen Bank Park from cavernous Pac Bell. His right handed power stick should compliment the Phils' lefty dominated lineup quite nicely, Thank You. More importantly, he is (approx) a .970 fielder at the hot corner.
Ok, you must be thinking "if he is so good, why the hell haven't I heard of him?". Well, part of the reason is that he doesn't get on base a whole lot and makes J Roll look like Ted Williams in terms of on base percentage. Plus, he already has something in common with his new teammates. He strikes out a ton. Hopefully, hitting behind better players than what he was accustomed to in San Fran will help in both categories.
This move also opens up the possibility of trading Wes Helms for the best possible pitching help he can bring. (No, I'm not expecting much either.)
Anyhow, this move seems to finalize a lineup that will look like this:
1 - J Roll (SS)
2 - The Flyin' Hawaiin (CF)
3 - Chase (2nd)
4 - The Big Man (1st)
5 - Burrell (LF)
6 - Jenkins/Werth (RF)
7 - Feliz (3rd)
8 - Ruiz (C)
I'm not sure exactly what to think. It seems like we improved at 3rd and RF, but are weaker in Center.
To be more exact, the Phils added former San Francisco Giant, Pedro Feliz. Last season, Feliz hit .253 with 20 home runs and 72 RBIs. However, two years ago he had 98 RBI's and he will undoubtedly will see a 10 HR boost moving to Citizen Bank Park from cavernous Pac Bell. His right handed power stick should compliment the Phils' lefty dominated lineup quite nicely, Thank You. More importantly, he is (approx) a .970 fielder at the hot corner.
Ok, you must be thinking "if he is so good, why the hell haven't I heard of him?". Well, part of the reason is that he doesn't get on base a whole lot and makes J Roll look like Ted Williams in terms of on base percentage. Plus, he already has something in common with his new teammates. He strikes out a ton. Hopefully, hitting behind better players than what he was accustomed to in San Fran will help in both categories.
This move also opens up the possibility of trading Wes Helms for the best possible pitching help he can bring. (No, I'm not expecting much either.)
Anyhow, this move seems to finalize a lineup that will look like this:
1 - J Roll (SS)
2 - The Flyin' Hawaiin (CF)
3 - Chase (2nd)
4 - The Big Man (1st)
5 - Burrell (LF)
6 - Jenkins/Werth (RF)
7 - Feliz (3rd)
8 - Ruiz (C)
I'm not sure exactly what to think. It seems like we improved at 3rd and RF, but are weaker in Center.
Reports are that the Mets are close to trading for Johan Santana. If you don't want to see the Mets run away with the division, you might want to pray that the BoSox or Yanks pony up whatever the Twins are looking for. I don't want to see this guy in our division. No way, no how.
Face facts people. The Phils are going to arbitration with Ryan Howard. I have only received three predictions on what his 2008 salary will be. Come on, people. Play along!
I am liking the acquisition of Feliz. The Phils definitely needed the glove at third.
Well I am guessing aroun $8 mil for Howard. I don't think he will get the $10 million.
I could work more walks than this guy just by going up there and not swinging. He will probably be coming to the plate with a lot of guys on base in front of him. With his slow foot speed and tendency to swing at anything within 10 feet of the plate, I smell a lot of inning ending double plays.
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