I fully expect sheer panic to envelope the Delaware Valley after the Phils' 0-2 start which has featured a grand total of one...yes, ONE freakin' run. Come on, boys. Time to break out the bats and start knocking in some runs.
On the bright side, at least Jamie Moyer didn't get totally shelled.
Also, in case you missed it, the Flyers cliched a playoff spot this evening with a win over the Panthers. I can't wait for the NHL playoffs to start. No other playoff is better than the Stanley Cup playoffs.
Do I hear playoff party????????
From the Daily News..
Heck, in 2005, the Houston Astros had a 15-30 record on May 24 and ended up playing in the World Series.
And despite the Phillies' recent notorious reputation for slow starts - they are 0-2 for the fourth straight year - they usually manage to be within a few games of a playoff spot in September.
In football terms, the 1st quarter of the first game is not even over, so to panic after 2 games or 13 mins of the 1st quarter (in the 1st game) of a football season seems a bit extreme. As I told you last year, judge the baseball season in 10 game blocks. We'll be 4-6 after 10 or somewhere in that area.
3-3 now, so we're tied in the 3rd quarter of the NFL Opener. The Cowboys (Braves) and Giants (Marlins) are winning big (5-1) in their opener but there's a long way to go. LOL
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