Due to the success of the show and the “buzz” surrounding it, I’m pretty sure there are a decent amount of readers of this blog who also watch Entourage. So, I’m guessing the rest of you were as annoyed I was with Ari’s pot shot at the Eagles in the following exchange with Vincent Chase on this week’s Entourage:
Thanks, Ari. I used to love you. Now, you’re dead to me. I want 24 hours notice before you decide to make an appearance on my television so I can make the necessary arrangements to avoid you.Ari: How are you holding up?
Vince: Not bad, considering the LA Times called me the ‘Terrell Owens’ of Hollywood.
Ari: Hey now — the Philadelphia Eagles got rid of T.O. and look what happened to them...
By the way, HBO has to be run by Giants’ fans. In addition to the above Eagles’ slight, there was a Sopranos’ episode this year where Bobby Bacala and Tony were watching an Eagles/Giants game and you could hear the game announcer say the Giants were winning decisively. Last week, Bryant Gumbel also gave T.O. some more publicity for his “children’s book” on Real Sports.
Once you add the above slights to the fact that the most recent seasons of Entourage and the Sopranos have been less than mediocre, it is a wonder that I still subscribe HBO. In fact, this Eagles’ phan might have to reevaluate whether to continue to plunk down good many on this channel. Maybe I’ll switch to Cinemax. In addition to their enjoyable late night movie lineup, I’m sure they won’t rip the Birds nearly as much.
Remember my friend, Ari is only an actor delivering the lines he is told to read. It does not mean that he believes them. My suggestion would be to contact Mr. Pivin and request his thought on the birds.
Drop the HBO. A total rip off.
Yeah...Skinemax is much more worth it..especially now that I have a DVR to record the late night lineup
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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