Over the last year or so, I pretty much stopped listening to the WIP morning show. I am simply tired of Angelo Cataldi. I just can't relate to him anymore. I usually enjoy the rest of the crew, but Angelo annoyed me to the point that I needed to find another media outlet to entertain me in the morning. Since I am a XM subscriber and huge sports fan, I was naturally attracted to ESPN Radio.
I highly recommend the Colin Cowherd and Dan Patrick mid day shows. I find both shows far superior to the Cuz and whoever he's been co-hosting the WIP mid day show with lately. I must admit that I'm not a huge fan of ESPN Radio's morning show, the Mike and Mike show, as I find them entirely too cheesy, but this morning I heard a great story relayed by former Eagle Mike Golic about Reggie White from a preseason game back in the Buddy Days.
In the middle of the game, a young offensive tackle started talking trash to Reggie White and swore at him profusely. Reggie responded by saying, "don't you cuss me." This got the young lineman talking more and more, swearing at Reggie. Each time Reggie replied with the same answer, "don't you cuss me." Eventually, Clyde Simmons, Golic, Jerome Brown, and Seth Joyner attempted to calm Reggie down as they could see how mad he was getting, but Reggie was able to keep his cool. In response, Reggie simply told the young lineman, "Jesus is coming....Jesus is coming....Jesus is coming."
Before he lined up for the next play, Golic told the guard in front of him, "Just to let you know, I'm taking a play off. I need to see this!" As the young offensive lineman approached the line of scrimmage, he continued to talk trash and cuss at Reggie. Once they got into their stances, Reggie repeated, "Jesus is coming...Jesus is coming...Jesus is coming". When the ball was snapped, Reggie yelled,"Here comes Jesus!!!!" and hit the lineman in the chest, shoving him back into the quarterback for a sack. Reggie then stood over the young lineman and said, "I told you don't cuss me."
Not suprisingly, the player didn't say another word to Reggie the rest of the game.
Have to agree....Those Buddy teams are still my all time favorite era of Eagles teams. I just wish they would have had another offensive lineman or two.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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