“As of 11:26 Sunday evening on Amazon.com, despite being discounted $9.25 (to $15.75), Terrell Owens’ new book, T.O., was not on the Top 100 list of best sellers, and it was only 15th on the list of best-selling sports books. It was seven slots behind Dave Pelz’s Short Game Bible: Master the Finesse Swing and Lower Your Score, and 12 slots behind Phil Gordon's Little Green Book: Lessons and Teachings in No-Limit Texas Hold 'Em.
But T.O. currently is edging Fast and Fancy Revolver Shooting, by Robert McGivern.”
I also especially love the “Ten Things I Think, I Think” section of his articles. During the season, it is required reading if you want to stay up to date on the comings and goings of the NFL.
Peter has been on vacation lately, but in his latest article he provided this little nuggets of information like this:
“4. I think we'll never hear the real truth about this story, unless we get it 10 miles off the record, and even then it'll be homogenized. The two defensive leaders of the Dolphins are Zach Thomas and Jason Taylor. Taylor and Thomas' sister, Katina, are getting a divorce after six years of marriage. How will the players react to the situation, working side by side for the next five months? Great story, but we'll never hear it.”

(Of course, his wife is on the left.)
Ok, maybe this tidbit is better placed in US Weekly or People instead of an article dedicated to the NFL, but I find it fascinating. After reading this, I feel a hell of a lot worse about the future’s bet I put on the Dolphins while I was in Vegas this past March. If you think the Birds were torn apart by the T.O./Donovan feud last year, I can’t wait to see what happens in South Florida this year. The family strife between these two long time leaders of the Dolphins defense, could definitely tear this team apart. I’m sure they’ll say all the right things about being professionals and not letting this affect their play, but it has to make things pretty weird at the least, right? Depending on how bad the events were that led to the divorce, you could see a full fledged battle royale breaking out with teammates being forced to take sides.
I just wish the Philly, Boston, or NYC media were down there to cover this story and fan the flames. If the press down had more heavy hitters, instead of butt kissers like Dan Lebatard, reading the web version of the Miami Herald would definitely fall into my daily routine.
Anyhow, if I’m Nick Saban, I trade one of them. As the Eagles’ showed last year, chemistry plays a huge role in the NFL. In order to save my futures’ bet, I implore the Dolphins to trade one of them and get the karma right in their locker room.
These are just examples of what you will get in Peter’s weekly column. Give him a try. I highly recommend his writing, especially during the season. He might not be as funny as the Sports Guy, but he provides a ton of useful information on a weekly basis.
I thought this site was related to things in the Philadelphia area?
Miami Dolphins? Then how about some Carolina Hurricanes coverage? The Hurricanes and Brind'Amour deserve more press.
Did you see the title: "Philadelphia Sports and Other interesting Topics"? I mention the TO book (Philly Related) and then mention the issue of two guys on the same team going through some strife...to me that's interesting. Plus, I was standing to win some cash.
Sorry, I don't find the Carolina Hurricanes interesting, except for the fact that Ric Flair is their mascot.
Isn't the host supposed to thank me for reading or something before becoming so hostile? Is Philly Phan a ghost writer for Stephen A. Smith?
Just busting your b@ll$ Philly Phan.
I should thank you for reading...Maybe I can send a t shirt over....I think I should answer all comments as if I was Stephen A....I could throw a lot of "HowEVER" and "WHATnot"'s out there. Stephen A is a total stud when it comes to getting attention, but his writing skills blow. I'd take a 1/5 of his salary to write his column. All I'd have to do is write every story from an angry African American male's perspective.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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