Right now folks, we are in the middle of the dog days of the Philadelphia Sports scene. The Birds finished yet another disappointing season and the Phils are still a couple weeks from the beginning of Spring Training. That leaves the Flyers and Sixers to keep us going for a while until the NFL draft and the beginning of the Phils' season, but it doesn't appear that our winter sports teams are going to hold up their end of the bargain.
The Flyers are maddeningly inconsistent. They've alternatively looked great, brutal (which led to the coach getting canned) and downright average during various points of the season. I'd love to say they will at least make the playoffs, but with the 6th and 13th currently seeded teams in the East only three points apart, who knows where they finish. Their top players haven't been their top players most of the year and have appeared uninterested for parts of the season, which has made them pretty much unlikeable to me.
The Sixers.....wait, do they still play pro hoops in Philly? I truly don't care about the NBA anymore and the Sixers aren't helping things. I could be offered free courtside tickets to see the Sixers, along with open bar and buffet at the Cadillac Bar and I'd turn it down flat. The sport has lost me and I don't think they're getting me back. I think the MLS' new Philly team has more of a chance of winning me over at this point. I suppose it would be a gigantic understatement to say the Sixers have lost my interest.
So, what's a Philly Sports Phan to do to keep himself occupied and interested in blogging until the Phils get back? I can only talk about the Eagles' and whether they should dump McNabb for Kevin Kolb for so long. Guys, I'm struggling finding things that are really getting the juices flowing. I was hoping the Flyers would have us reeled in this year, but I don't think they have the horses to do it. As for the Sixers, short of trading for LeBron or losing every game so they get a shot at John Wall in the lottery, I'm not intersted.
It's going to be a long winter.....
By the way, I'm really not impressed by the hiring of Howie Roseman as the Eagles' new GM. I really wanted to see a guy with a fresh pair of eyes added to the front office. Now, we'll just have more of the same in the way the Eagles handle personnel decisions. Plus, Roseman has no playing experience at all. Jeez, had I known that my JD and lack of pro football playing experience made me a candidate for the GM job, I would have sent a resume. Call me crazy, but I'd like my GM to at least know how to get into a three point stance. I am not getting the warm and fuzzies over this move.