Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"M" Is For "Maturing"

Today, I will no longer be part of the highly sought after 18 to 34 male demographic. I am turning 35 and I realize that I can no longer watch MTV or play video games without feeling slightly immature. Yup, from now on, it's all golf, Cadillacs, and double malt scotches for me.

Maturity has me within its grips. I have a kid on the way and now look forward to tee times. I'm going to embrace this because Lord knows my thirties have been much better than my mid to late twenties.

Ok, I'll stop boring you with the self reflection. Plus, this guy seems to have already tackled the topic. So, let's get to my favorite past time of bashing the Phils.


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY. If I had known I would have gotten you some stuff you could use like denture adhesive, reading glasses or hair dye. Oh wait, strike the last one as you are a bald bastard.

Anonymous said...

Happy bithday Tony, you old fart! Oh wait, I turned 35 in January. Perhaps it is I who am the old fart. :(

sbots said...

30 is the new twenty so your only 25...if you feel old then you are old.

Here is a quote that may help you deal with this " I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."

Anonymous said...

Stop complaining, but for women and fun you would be older.

Glad your looking forward to golf and kids because I don't see you running to fast.

Enjoy what you have and worry about tomorrow next week.
