I know...I know...it really ain't the weekend anymore, but here's my wrap up anyhow.
Phils Lose 2 out of 3 to the Reds - I know I wasn't the only one that got sucked back, ala Michael Corleone in Godfather III, and started following the Phils' chase for a Wild Card spot. I stayed up for most of Friday night's marathon before falling asleep and missing Phillies' Legend, Aaron Rowand's walk off base hit. (My wife stayed up for the end and took particular delight in the fact that Rowand won the game after I ripped him after every at bat from the 7th inning on.) It sure looks like the Saturday and Sunday losses finished the Phils off for good. The back to back to back home runs off Myers prompted a "jeez, these guys are hitting the ball harder than Myers hit his wife". (I know that joke is in poor taste, but I got a perverse laugh out of it at the time.) Lidle and all the relievers we traded away would have looked awfully good this weekend, huh? Anyhow, I'm sure now that I've written them off again, the Phils will make another minor run for the postseason only to flame out again.
Talladega Nights, The Ballad of Ricky Bobby - I give this movie two thumbs up...way UP! I thought the movie was hysterical, especially the montage in the first hour where they show Ricky Bobby's rise to prominence as a Nascar legend. The pep talk given by the red head from Wedding Crashers was pretty funny as well. Fun was had by all, but make sure to stick around to the very end for the outtakes. They were pretty good also. In case anyone was wondering, I wanted to inform everyone that I did check with Nascar and was able to confirm that John C. Reilly does indeed have a contract with Nascar which states that no movie can be made about the sport of stock car racing without him being cast in a prominent role.
Pine Hill Tavern - On Saturday evening, my inquisitive neighbors and I took a trip over to our local watering hole, the Pine Hill Tavern, to see what the joint was all about. I'm happy to report that we had a great time, but I'm not entirely sure if we fit in with the rest of the locals. It had a distinct "Tell 'em Large Marge sent You!" type of vibe. However, the place had fantastic wings, a friendly owner/bartender, a midget sitting at the bar, a pool table, a well stocked juke box, and a couple of lesbians in their early 20's who were quite touchy feely. Overall, a good time was had by all and my buddies and I didn't get shanked or shot. A return visit may be in order.
Eagles' Roster Questions - The more and more I read about the Birds, it sure looks like Jabar Gaffney and Mark Simoneau may be on the unemployment line come the beginning of September. I would like to see Gaffney stick around, but if there is a God in Heaven, the underachieving Simoneau will be let go and I never have to watch another running back take him for a ride. Plus, for a team that loves to laud themselves as excellent drafters, it appears that recent draft picks like Ware, Young, Tapeh and Clarke will be gone.
Sami may play defense - I've seen a couple interviews with Hitch this week and it sure looks like Kapanen is going to be used on defense this season. If he isn't taking a regular shift on D, Hitch says that he will certainly be a quarter back on the power play. Sami is the consumate team guy. I think this will be a good move for him as he's lost some of his scoring touch, but he can still skate like the wind. Plus, in today's NHL, there is more of an emphasis on skating than physicality, so this move has a chance to work. Overall, I like this attempt by a normally staid organization to be a bit creative and maximize the strenghts of their personnel.
Eskin reports the Sixers could have traded C Webb to Isiah and the Knicks for Mo Taylor and Q Richardson - I just have one question...How did this trade not happen??? Do we have the only GM in the NBA that can't rip off Isiah? I'm glad the Sixers' season ended before it began.
Entourage - Series creator, Doug Ellin mailed this one in. During the scene where Saigon's new manager hung Drama over the balcony railing, a disclaimer should have been run which stated, "Please be advised that this scene was lifted verbatim from the Vanilla Ice's episode of Behind the Music". In any event, HBO should have named this episode "Time Filler" because that's all it was. I suppose the next two weeks will involve the deal which brings the Ramones movie to the big screen...greatttt......A very uneven season, to say the least.
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