Tuesday, December 04, 2007

G Cobb Is An Idiot

I don't claim to be the most talented blogger or the best writer in the world, but I do feel I am qualified to rip G Cobb and his ridiculous article about D Mac, Philadelphia phans, and the local media. Someone needs to tell G to lay off the sauce before getting behind a keyboard. Here are some of the highlights:

I can't believe some of the dumb reasons why people want to trade [McNabb]. Philly fans and the media here are like a bunch of fickle women who can't be happy with anything. They're like a nagging wife who does nothing but whine and complain about nonsense like what players wear after the games and what they say in the interviews. I apologize to the women for using that analogy because a dumb guy is worse that [sic] a dumb women because more women tend to not be so prideful that they will admit a mistake. Guys will march to their grave over a dumb mistake rather than admit that they have made a mistake.
Unfortunately, G does not stop there. He then goes on to call the Philly media a bunch of homosexuals.

Fickle fans and the menstruating media, place as much importance on how a guy sits on the bench, as how good of player he is. Stupid stuff like facial expressions are supposed to be a big deal. They care more about quotes than how he plays. I can understand this in a romantic relationship but we need a quarterback not somebody to date. I don't care about all that nonsense.

I'm starting to think that a lot of the guys who cover the Eagles are in the closet because they make such a big deal out of this stuff.
Real nice, G. Way to show your true homophobic and misogynistic colors. I'm sure your employers will be happy to see these comments.

By the way, can someone please answer me how this guy has a job in the Philly media? Not only does the guy have a hard time reading off a teleprompter, but now he's showing that he's just as offensive on his blog. These comments are totally idiotic. It's one thing to have a problem with the comments of a few people, but to extrapolate these thoughts to an entire group is absolutely ridiculous.

Actually, the more I think about it, I don't even know why I'm wasting my time writing about him. My suggestion is that whenever he comes on Channel 3 or 610, turn him off. Don't read his ridiculous blog either, unless you like reading articles written on a 3rd grade reading level.


Anonymous said...

I agree that the way he made his point is wrong. His point is right though. However, that doesn't excuse the offensive terms and phrases he used to try to sway people to his side.

To steal from Ron Burgandy, G needs to "stay classy" when he tries to write from now on.

Philly Phan said...

Thanks...60% of the time, G's blog impress every time

Anonymous said...

"Someone needs to tell G to lay off the sauce before getting behind a keyboard." Isn't that the pot calling the kettle (no pun intended) black? I remember a cetain blogger who did a whole on-going post while drunk during a recent college football game. :)

Philly Phan said...

Good point, RU Phan...I bet you my post (even though I was translating most of it from my buddy Botts) made more sense than G Cobb's babbling

Anonymous said...

I can't believe some of the dumb reasons why people want to trade [McNabb]. Philly fans and the media here are like a bunch of fickle women who can't be happy with anything. They're like a nagging wife who does nothing but whine and complain about nonsense like what players wear after the games and what they say in the interviews.

Exactly what is inaccurate about this statement. I say get your testicles back from wifey and hear the gospel that is G Cobb.