"He's more open [to playing third] at this point. Some of his other options may have dried up and I think he wants to stay in the big leagues. He took some grounders there [late in the season] and our guys are somewhat confident he can do it."Great. This is just great. Somewhat confident? Are you kidding me? Seriously? You just won the NL East after a 14 years of phutililty and now you want to go into next year with another guy that you aren't totally confident that he can play the position. If had a nickle for every time a Phillies GM was "somewhat confident" that a reclamation project would work out, I'd be a millionaire.
Just spend the money and sign a guy or trade for a legit third baseman. How hard is this concept? Why must we shop at the discount, scratch and dent store when we have a gazillionaire owner at our disposal? Someone needs to hit that guy up for some cash.
Although, no one has able to tell me why the Phils shouldn't have just bitten the bullet, re-signed Nunez, and let him play third full time. Sure, the guy can't hit his weight, but he makes all the plays in the field and with our lineup, we can carry one seriously below average bat.
In any event, I saw this quote earlier today and laughed. I just re read it, and I'm laughing even harder. I wish I could get away with such statements at work. Does anyone in the world of sports get held up to realistic standards?
Tomorrow at work, I think I'm going to use the "somewhat confident" line along with the "not now Chief, I'm in the zone" greeting. Should make for an interesting day.
I used not now chief yesterday at my meeting w/ Dr. kramer. Needless to say he wasn't pleased.
Anyone can play 3rd base. Besides we still have the bust from '06 Helms on the roster. Tadihito can play a little, worst case, he's a pinch hitter.
I would have to believe that Brandon Inge is now available from Detroit seeing as they now have Cabrera and a lineup that can almost match the Yankees. I say we trade to get Inge. Very solid third basement with an average to slightly below average bat. But still an improvement over any of the current options.
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Sign Nunez? Are you crazy?
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