Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Hallelujah Hallelujah

Today, the Daily News reports that the Sixers have fired GM Billy King. Thank the Lord!

With this move, the Sixers may become relevant again. I just pray the new GM finds a way to get out from under the ridiculous contracts King has shelled out over the years.

I just wonder what incident finally got Ed Snider to finally make a move. I was starting to think the was following the path of George Steinbrenner into obscurity, but with this move he finally shows that he is starting to understand the NBA.

Now, only if he would wake up and demand that some of the younger Flyers start to show some effort during home games instead of counting down the minutes to their night out in Old City.

1 comment:

Jon1BSP said...

I heard they got the new guy from the Nets. You sure that's an upgrade?