Monday, March 31, 2008

A Fond Farewell To A Legend

Tonight, the athlete in the all time history of a sport (ok, sports entertainment) decided to retire. During his NWA days, Ric Flair provided more entertainment to me between the ages of 13 and 20, then just about anyone short of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eddie Murphy and Dice Clay. His skill in the ring (evidenced by his 16 world titles) and on the mike (see below) were unrivaled. Sure, the Rock may have been better on the mike, but he had 1/10th the wrestling ability and there were a few guys that could really wrassle (Ricky Steamboat comes to mind), but were complete bores whenever they had to talk to the fans.

I just got done watching Flair's retirement ceremony on Raw and was taken aback by how bad some of these guys look. Christ, as unhealthy as I am now, I still look 50 times better than a retired pro wrestler in his 40's.

Anyhow, this video brought back a ton of memories. Enjoy:


George said...


Anonymous said...

The Nature Boy. Every Sat nite when TBS carried wrestling for 2 hours from 6-8 Pm and the Horsemen would beat the crap out of everyone. Priceless. Saw the Nature Boy go 60 minutes w/ the Russian at the Phila. Civic Center. amazing.

The Nature Boy was a 60 minute man and he went all nite long.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Space Mountain had his last ride.

He will forever be The Man.

I can't put it any better than Flair himself so I will just end with his own words from one of his legendary promos:

"whether you like it, or you don't like it. You better learn to love it. Because it's the best thing going today. Woooo!!"