Monday, March 17, 2008

March Madness Is Here!

As pissed off as the Flyers have me right now, at least the Philly college hoops scene has me totally psyched up for the upcoming tourney.

I'm really hoping that we can get two wins from the Philly teams in the first round, preferably St. Joe's and Temple. I root for St. Joe's because I have a bunch of friends that went there and I've never seen a more loyal fan base. As for the Owls, I'm currently matriculating at Temple's MBA program, so I have a vested interested in seeing Fran Dunphy's crew make it into the Tourney and win a game or two. I can't say I'm the biggest Nova fan. Do I root against them? Well...not totally, but I would like to see them win a game in the Tourney.

Anyhow, the NCAA Tourney is one of the best events of the year. The fact that we have three Philly teams in the Dance makes it all the better.

Send your Final Four and Champion as a comment or email it to me. Let's see who gets the closest.

My picks are:

East: Tennessee
South: Texas
Midwest: Vanderbilt
West: UCLA
Champion: UCLA


Jon1BSP said...

Good thing you're not going to Temple for English. It's "matriculating."

Me fail English? That's unpossible!

Unknown said...

East - St. Joe's
West - UCLA
Midwest/North - Wisconsin
South- Memphis

Champion - S. Joe's

Jon1BSP said...

I want some of whatever Eileen's smoking!

Anonymous said...

who really cares. i may watch but to pick in a pool is so gay.

Anonymous said...

I hope you did fill out a bracket for money as your Vandy pick already took you out of the running :-p But I will give you credit for going on a limb there.

Anonymous said...

I meant DIDN'T fill out a bracket :-p