Monday, March 31, 2008

Tom Gordon Blows

Today's game can be summed up in those three words above. There's no need to elaborate. Other than a good first half his first season here and the last month of last season, Gordon's been one of the worst signings in Phils' history, yet we keep trotting his ass out there because Gillick & Co. hope he turns into Mo Rivera over night.
Come on, guys. It ain't going to happen. Gordon is what he is. A pitcher about 3 years past his prime as a back of the bullpen pitcher. Please find someone else for this 'pen or we could be facing an awful lot of games like this in 2008.
By the way, I did not realize how happy I'd be to have baseball back. I got to listen to the game at my desk today and now that they are back on the scene, it makes it pretty darn easy to find topics to write about. Now I know why baseball gets romanticized by writers. It's easy to f'n write about because something new happens just about every day. I guarantee my posts will increase by about 250% if the Phils stay remotely in the chase. If they fall apart, you might as well check back in Eagles training camp after the Flyers are eliminated because I don't know what the hell I'd write about.
In any event, I'm glad that our Phils are back. We're reunited and it feels so good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gordon found his curveball on Friday and was hitting 94mph on the gun. he's not dead yet.