Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Wait A Second...When Did This Happen?

Can anyone shed some light as to when the Sixers changed to red uni's as pictured above? I love them...they are soooooo much better than the black road uniforms and a zillion times better than those putrid blue alternative jerseys.

Christ, at this rate, the Sixers could have cloned Dr. J, Wilt Chamberlain and Bobby Jones from the dead and I doubt anyone would notice. The only way this team generates any interest with the city is if they institute "Free Lapdance" night.

I still challenge anyone to comment on a Sixers related story. I don't think it can be done.

1 comment:

Jon1BSP said...

Dude, I don't watch NBA basketball at all, but I would totally show up for lapdance night.