Friday, July 06, 2007

A Tad Bit Flaky

In case you missed it, the Daily News ran an interesting article on Phils' first round pick, Joe Savery. However, I don't know if the article was all that interesting or it was just a real slow news day. In any event, I was slightly amused by the following comment from Savery:

"I'm a sports-management major, but I like to say I major in life. You can only have one major, but I took a lot of courses. Education. Religion. Economics. I've taken them all."
He majors in life? A 21 year old guy from Rice University majors in life??? He can't be srious, can he? Someone might want to double check and make this Texas native is not some flake from California. I've always heard that lefties are a bit strange. I guess this is more evidence of that premise.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone spent some serious time majoring in hydroponics.

Puff Puff give.


Anonymous said...

Is Pedro there? Do the chickens have large talons? Are you gonna eat you tots? Is it me, or does he look like Napoleon Dynamite, sans the afro?