Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Next Question!

In an effort to liven things up, I’ve decided to start a new weekly feature on this wonderful website. I am offering to you, my readers – all six of you, the ability to ask me a question or seek my opinion on any issue in any walk of life and I will promise to respond to the best one each week. I don’t care if you are seeking my opinion on sports, politics, entertainment, history, relationships, money, etc. I just ask that all queries be phrased in the form of a question and emailed to me at one of my personal addresses that I’m assuming you all have or you wouldn’t be reading this site.

If I have somehow stumbled onto a phan outside my large realm of friends, family, etc, and you don’t have my contact information, but still want to ask me a question, just post it in the comments section of one of my entries and it will be considered.

So, as our favorite annoying sports agent said over and over again in front of a huge throng of reporters in Moorestown….”Next Question!”

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