Monday, August 06, 2007

Aaron Rowand Sighting...Continued

I finally got a chance to speak with my brother in law tonight about his Aaron Rowand, JD Durbin, and Kyle Lohse sighting. It turns out that Rowand was cool to my brother in law, but the rest of his friends thought he was a douche. Although, something tells me that he might have been a tad bit leary of getting too chummy with a bunch of dudes that have been drinking for 72 straight hours.

DK also reports that Rowand claims that his beer pong champion wristband was purchased in a store, but he's still pretty damn good at it. The bruise on Lohse's right arm extends from his right elbow to wrist. Not surprisingly, Rowand and his fellow Phils hung out at the bar for quite a few hours after the game. It appeared that the boys needed more than a few shots and/or beers to get the taste of Saturday night's horrendous loss out of their mouths.

My buddy Coz told me that Rowand nearly went apeshit when some dude tried to cut the bathroom line. Sounds like the heat of a pennant race and impending free agency is wearing on somebody, huh?

I wish I had some more juicy stories about this sighting or DK's Phils' road trip, but it appears to have been fairly tame. Plus, I doubt anyone cares for hearing about DK's alleged romantic conquests in the Cheese State.

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