Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm Back

Sorry for the mini-vacation, folks. I was away for the weekend up in the Mountains and then realized last night that there wasn't anything really going on recently so figured I'd watch a couple movies (The Transformers, which pretty much sucked and The Bourne Ultimatum which totally kicked ass) and get a decent night's sleep.

Hope you guys didn't miss me too much. In any event, I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waiters and waitresses.

(Is this thing on?)


WhiteCollar SideBar said...

The Bourne movies definitely rock!!! matt damon kicks some serious .........!!!

Anonymous said...

did you pick up some pocono tickets?

Anonymous said...

Transformers was awesome.


George said...

Transformers wasn't that bad. I am leery of PSP's movie opinions.

Philly Phan said...

Dude...leary of my movie opinions? while you aren't the first person to say that, aren't you one that looks for realism in a Will Ferrell movie? I know entertainment. As for the Transformers, it had cool special effects and Megan Fox is a complete piece of ass, but I just got annoyed with the hokey Michael Bay type movie it turned into.