Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Captain's Ashburn Alley Cheesesteak Challenge

My man, the Captain, has thrown down the gauntlet and created the Ashburn Alley Cheesesteak Challenge. Here it is:

"eat one Cheesteak from Tony Luke's then one from Rick's, then belch and fart."
Listen Capt, they don't call me the Tape Worm for nothing. I see your Cheesesteak Challenge and raise you an order of Crab Fries, and a soft pretzel. I've put on more pregnancy weight than my wife. I'm ready. Bring it, bro. Bring it.


Anonymous said...

this could be worth the price of a ticket!

Jon1BSP said...

More weight than your pregnant wife? Now that's comedy. And didn't the Phil's win tonight? That's even more comedy.

Philly Phan said...

Yeah dog...I'm huge right now...Large and In Charge.

The Phils did win, but man did they try to blow in the bottom of the 9th