I guess I should weigh in on the whole T.O. “suicide attempt”. I don’t think the guy “tried” to commit suicide. There’s no way any hospital that didn’t want to be dropped by its malpractice carrier would have released him so soon. Nonetheless, this whole situation doesn’t smell right to me. In fact, I think T.O. and his publicist hatched some sort of C-O-N-spiracy!
Seriously, what motive does the Dallas police have in creating a faulty police report that said he tried to kill himself? Plus, this guy is sh*t house rat crazy. That is a fact. Both the Niners and the Birds wanted him to take a psych eval so they could figure out how best to treat his perceived mental illness. As I always tell my wife who works with the mentally ill adults, you can never be surprised by anything they do because crazy people do crazy things.
Another huge factor is this guy’s history and the fact that there is TOO much of it. If this happened to Marvin Harrison – ie, a guy with not a lot of bad publicity on his side – I would believe his explanation fully. However, this is T.O. and there always something going on with T.O.
My theory is that he really did have a bad reaction to the pain killers because he is going so overboard to come back for the Eagles’ game. However, in his zeal to heal himself, he took too many pills and got ill. Here’s where I think the conspiracy comes in….His publicist, who was in his home at the time, decides to call 911 because she was worried about that he may have overdosed. (I can’t wait to hear the tape of that call, by the way.) I think she quickly realized that this may be a good way to get the public back on his side and created this whole ordeal by telling the cops and rescue workers that he tried to kill himself and T.O. was too doped up to say otherwise. She just didn't realize the firestorm it would create or all the spinning it would necessitate to dispute the original story.

Yes, I agree. Such a plot is sick and demented. However, from I saw and heard yesterday, I think his publicist is that stupid (exhibit A: her comment that “A man of T.O.’s statue…” wouldn’t kill himself) and arrogant (Exhibit B: Terrell has “25 million reasons to stay alive”) to contrive such a plot. Call me crazy, but that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.
By the way, can anyone else name me any other American professional team sports player that has a publicist? Plus, why is this publicist seemingly with him 24/7? This whole situation is just strange.
I just love the fact that TO is now the Cowboys’ headache and not ours. Poor Parcells is going to keel over at some point this season. For his sake, I can’t wait until he retires. Who needs this mess. An added benefit to T.O.’s antics is that he is also driving Cowboys fans crazy. I sent a simple email to Mister Nascar today and asked him if yesterday’s events show T.O.’s agent and publicist to be inept or if T.O. is just incredibly difficult? Normally, I get single sentence responses. However, this time I got the following incoherent rambling email in return:
I don't neccessarily think either are inept. You have to take all emotion out and look at it logically.
Rosenhaus has the most clients in the NFL I beleive.
The publicist, I think she was a little out of her league maybe and she probably was awake for 48 hours straight..... The best of men in higher positions have melted under those conditions.
TO had Big Red wearing spandex, he makes everybody's job hard.
Think of this: Isaid this yesterday morning to all in here after you called me.
He was already released from the hospital, logic then dictates there was some misinformation out there. Had he been suicidal, they would have had him in a rubber room for 3or 4 days whatever the law is.
TO isn't the brightest bulb, and appears to have been high on pain killers. High and stupid make for great comments and action. It is the whole basis for COPS(a tv show I happen to love)
Bottom line, I beleive him. He was just looped and happens to be stupid and can't keep his outh shut. To mucgh at stake fro the Hospital and police to release him if it was a attempt at him to kill himself.
Whatever makes you sleep better at night Cowboys fans. This is just another in a series of events with the Michael Jackson of the NFL. Have fun guys. It couldn’t happen to a better fan base.
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