Thursday, January 25, 2007


Ok, maybe that headline isn't exactly what Andy Reid said in response to the articles from Mark Eckel and Pro Football claiming that D Mac was unhappy with the organization, but he did say the following while down scouting my boy Brian Leonard, amongst others, at the Senior Bowl:

"I think people are making a lot of things up here that aren't true."

"I just hate to see people have to make things up that really aren't true."

"He knows what's the truth and what isn't the truth."

"It was my choice and not Donovan's choice to cancel the news conference."

"I'm disappointed people are making things up."
Ok, I'm glad we can put that one to rest. I totally believe Big Red on this one. We can all just forget about this issue like it never happened. I'm sure D Mac is feeling just swell about the organization. (Yes, I'm being a tad bit sarcastic.)
For the full Inquirer article, click here.

1 comment:

George said...

You can believe Reid about as much as you could believe Clarkie. Those are a nice couple of thug kids he has too.