Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Calling Him A Big Boy Is A Humongous Understatement

I just came across the following article from Dave Spadaro about Eagles' second year offensive guard Max Jean Gilles. The next couple paragraphs describing Gilles' girth are simply amazing. No human being should be this large. Check this out:

Jean-Gilles has dropped 15 pounds in the off-season, and is down to 355 pounds. He has another 10 lll-bees to go, he says.

Jean-Gilles has taken care of himself in the off-season. He has stepped up his cardio and has lost weight, dropped body fat (he is around 25 percent) and has greatly improved his conditioning.
You have to be kidding me? This dude weighs 355 lbs and he only has 25% body fat? That is simply incredible. I thought even football players that reach the 355 lb mark had to be fat slobs. I suppose I was wrong. Gilles is a physical specimen indeed.
In any event, the Birds have to find a way to get this guy on the field. Can you imagine our running game with him lined up at guard next to Jamaal Jackson and Shawn Andrews? These guys would just run over people.

If only Big Red would fully commit to the running game....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe he pushes Herreman's for a job, or could be the replacement when Herremann's slides outside to tackle when Runyan and Tra hang it up. Gotta say the O line has been terrific for a long time.