Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just Like Every Other Lottery I Ever Played

Boy, you can call me the Mush tonight. (Sorry, after much effort, I couldn't find a picture of the Mush from Bronx Tale or my brother in law, another notorious mush.)

I just about turned on the god damned lottery on ESPN and the guy standing in for David Stern (where the hell was the Commish? Was he afraid of Dan Patrick grilling him again?) pulled the Sixers logo card out of the envelope. Mutha effer!!!!

Oh well, it appears that we are doomed to another decade of basketball purgatory. One day, I'll be able to tell my unborn daughter how Philly was once a basketball crazy town back in the late 70's-early 80's and 2001. Then, she'll probably derisively laugh at me and tell me to eat another doughnut or drink another beer.

The only solace I can take out of this lottery is that the Celts didn't land the first or second pick. Not only would the Celtics become relevant for the first time in years, but Bill Simmons would have been unbearable to read if we had to hear him cackle with glee about Durant and/or Oden on a weekly basis. Sports Guy readers are already forced to read enough about the Sawx and Pats. I don't need any more Boston sports in my life. Philly sports are trying enough.

1 comment:

st. joe's nick said...

Who cares about basketball any more?